DEFI Basics

In 2020, the popularity of DeFi has made people in the entire blockchain circle crazy. As of May 21, the total locked market value of DeFi has risen from the initial $1 billion to $78 billion. The entire decentralized lending The amount of funds increased by 170 times, the total amount of funds locked in DeFi smart contracts increased by 140 times, and the number of trading users increased by 140 times.

In 2020, NFT is also beginning to take shape, forming an ecology, taking over the baton to welcome DeFi, and also ushering in the first wave of boom in 2021. NFT is a non-fungible token (NON-FUNGIBLE TOKEN), which has the characteristics of inseparable substitution and non-standardization. In 2020, the NFT asset category structure will mainly focus on categories in which real assets such as ticket coupons, artworks, and fund stocks can be digitized using NFT technology to embed rights, verifiability and other functions. In 2022, Genesis card assets and infrastructure applications will focus on DEFI, NFT, DAO organizations, and other fields.

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